Cholecystectomy (Laparoscopic)

SupraUmbilical Open Hasson 10 mm port.
10 mm epigastric, 5mm right Sub costal and 5mm right lumbar under direct vision.

Elongated Gall Bladder

Correct identification of anatomical structures.
Cystic duct and artery identified and dissected.
Critical view achieved.
Hem-O-loks applied.
Cholecystectomy performed in standard fashion.
Hemostasis and biliostasis ascertained in surgical bed.
Washout with Normal Saline. Suction irrigation.
No. 20 F drain put in right subphrenic area
Counting of Surgical Instruments and textiles informed as correct.
Gall Bladder brought out using BERT bag umbilical port

No. 1 PDS box stitch to fascia for Umbilical & Epigastric port
3.0 monocryl subcuticular sutures